Time proven team of the future



10+ years of experience
Electric Drives is a leading technology group of companies in CIS market specializing in electric motors and drives. Based on many years of experience in international company ABB, our specialists provide a high level of service at all stages of cooperation.
Our employees are a close-knit team that formed the foundations and principles of work, based on the successful experience of cooperation with the largest companies. We keep the traditional level of quality and reliability for our customers.
Our highlights
  • Selection and configuration of equipment in accordance with technical requirements

  • Equipment supply
  • Project support

  • Service and maintenance
  • Training
Our values
Each client is important to us and we approach any task with an equal level of responsibility, regardless of its scale.
The company employs qualified specialists who understand the importance of delivery time, equipment quality and the level of further service support to create a sustainable system for the operation of each industrial facility.
Transparency, reliability and quality of supplies and services allows us to create and maintain long-term relationships both within the company and with our customers.
Order a specialist consultation
Get detailed advice on the company’s services by submitting a request. A specialist will contact you at a convenient time.
Our team
Electric Drives team is a friendly, close-knit team of professionals with extensive experience.
We have been working effectively for many years to ensure that you always have the energy to implement plans and projects, so that production grows and develops.
Specialists of technical, service and customer services are always happy to advise and help in resolving issues of customers and partners.
Order in the shortest possible time from our warehouse.
Equiment on stock
LLC Electroprivod
INN 7736347036
22, Academic Pilyugina st.,
Moscow, 117393,
LLC Electroprivod Engineering
INN 6670523198
1H, Barkhotskaya st.,
Yekaterinburg, 620066,
Equipment supplies
LLP Electroprivod Asia
BIN 230440013815
111/65, Zheltoksan st.,
Almaty, Kazakhstan
JLLC "PromEnergoComplex"
342, 15 lane. Uralsky
Minsk, 220037, Belarus
Phone: (017) 294 36 35
E-mail: info@pek.by
Representation in Central Asia
Partner in Belarus